
全国先进工作者,山东省细胞生物学会常务理事,,Journal of Biomolecular Structure &Dynamics、Molecular Biology Reports、生命科学、遗传等国内外杂志审稿人,淄博市和山东理工大学高层次人才。
1. Juan Dong, Ming Xin, Hong Liu, Meng Zhang, Qiuxiang Pang, Lingling Chen, Bosheng Zhao*. Identification, expression of a glycoprotein hormone receptor homolog in the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri with implications for origin of vertebrate GpHRs. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2013, 184: 35-41
2. Zuoqing Yuan, Mingyue Zheng, Jianyong Zhang, Suzhou Zhao, Lei Guo, Bosheng Zhao*. Effects of anionic surfactants sodium dodecyl sulphate on regeneration and antioxidant enzymes response of planarian Dugesia japonica. Fresenius Enviromental Bulletin.2013, 22:157-162
3. Luming Zhou, Suge Wu, Dianchen Liu, Bo Xu, Xiufang Zhang, Bosheng Zhao*. Characterization and expression analysis of a trypsin-like serine protease from planarians Dugesia japonica. Molecular Biology Reports. 2012, 39:7041-7047
4. Qiuxiang Pang, Xuemei Liu, Bosheng Zhao*, Wei Wei, Xiufang Zhang, Lianfei Zhao, Jingjing Xue, Huanhuan Sun. Purification, characterization and induction of C-type lectin in the freshwater planarian Dugesia japonica. Central European Journal of Biology. 2012, 7(2):354-361
5. Qiuxiang, Pang, Xuemei Liu, Bosheng Zhao*, Huanhuan Sun. Induction of phenoloxidase and other immunological activities in the humoral fluids of amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri challenged with Lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2012, 38: 1835-1842
6. Zuoqing Yuan, Bosheng Zhao*, Jianyong Zhang. Expression Patterns of Stag gene in intact and regenerating planarians Dugesia japonica. Genetics and Molecular Research. 2011, 10(1): 410-418
7. Zuoqing Yuan, Bosheng Zhao*, Feilong Meng. Toxcity and behavioral effects of anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate to planarian Dugesia japonica. Fresenius Enviromental Bulletin. 2011, 20(2a):506-510
8. Xiufang Zhang, Jinxuan Shi, Tongmin Wu, Yaxin Zhang, Shengcheng Lin, Yanming Tao and Bosheng Zhao*. Effect of cadmium on three antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in planarian (Dugesia japonica). Fresenius Enviromental Bulletin. 2011, 20(11): 2920-2926
9.. Min Liu, Junli Pan, Hongfang Ji, Bosheng Zhao, Shicui Zhang. Vitellogenin mediates phagocytosis through interaction with FcγR. Molecular Immunology. 2011, 49:211-218
10. Zuoqing Yuan, Bosheng Zhao*, Jianyong Zhang, Shicui Zhang. Characterization and Expression of DjPreb Gene in the Planarian Dugesia japonica. Molecular Biology, 2010, 44(1): 8–13
11.. Zuoqing Yuan, Bosheng Zhao*, Jianyong Zhang, Shicui Zhang. Expression pattern of DjPreb gene during the planarian Dugesia japonica embryonic development. Molecular Biology, 2010, 44(4): 571-576
12.. Xiufang Zhang, Bosheng Zhao*, Qiuxiang Pang, Hongyang Yi, Mingxing Xue, Bowen Zhang. Toxicity and behavioral effects of cadmium in planarian (Dugesia japonica Ichikawa et kawakatsu). Fresenius Enviromental Bulletin. 2010, 19(12): 2895-2900
13. Qiuxiang Pang, Shicui Zhang, Bosheng Zhao. Immune parameters in the humoral fluids of amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri challenged with Vibrio alginolyticus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2010; 28: 232-234.
14.. Qiuxiang Pang, Xuemei Liu, Bosheng Zhao, Yongsheng Jiang, Feng Su, Xiufang Zhang, Min Nie, Meng Zhang, Huanhuan Sun. Detection and characterization of phenoloxidase in the freshwater planarian Dugesia japonica. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B. 2010; 157: 54-58.
15. Jingnan Zhao, Yuan Wang, Bosheng Zhao*, Lingling Chen. Analyzing S-Adenosylhomocysteine Hydrolase Gene Sequences in Deuterostome Genomes. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics. 2009, 27(3): 371-380
16. Shaohui Wang, Shicui Zhang, Bosheng Zhao, Limin Lun. Up-regulation of C/EBP by thyroid hormones: A case demonstrating the vertebrate-like thyroid hormone signaling pathway in amphioxus. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2009, 313: 57-63
17. Qiuxiang Pang, Shicui Zhang, Bosheng Zhao. Induction of phenoloxidases in the humoral fluids of amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri by Vibrio alginolyticus and Escherichia coli. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2009; 26: 669-671.
18. Shaohui Wang, Bosheng Zhao*, Shicui Zhang, Hongfang Ji. Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of AmphiTip30, a member of short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases family from the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense. Protein Expression and Purification. 2008, 57(1):63-71
19. Yuan Wang, Bosheng Zhao*, Shicui Zhang, Xiaojuan Qu. Characterization, expression and localization of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase from amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtaunese. Bioscience Reports. 2008, 28: 135-144
20. Yongjun Wang, Bosheng Zhao, Fei Ding, Xiaoxia Jiang, Gut-specific expression of cathepsin L and B in amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense larvae. European Journal of cell biology. 2008,87:185-193
21. Yanan He, Bo Tang, Shicui Zhang, Zhenhui Liu, Bosheng Zhao, Lingling Chen. Molecular and immunochemical demonstration of a novel member of Bf/C2 homolog in amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri: Implications for involvement of hepatic caecum in acute phase response. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2008,24(6):768-778
22. Bosheng Zhao, Shicui Zhang, Yongjun Wang, Zhenhui Liu, Dexin Kong,Characterization and expression of p23 gene in the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri. Comparative Biochemistry and physiology part B. 2006, 145: 10-15
23. Zhao Bosheng, Zhang Shicui, Pang Qiuxiang, Liu Zhenhui, Liang Yujun. Expression, purification and polyclonal antibody generation of p23, an Hsp90 cochaperone, in the amphioxus Branchisotoma belcheri. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2006, 25: 99-105
24. 周鲁明,刘殿辰,孙欢欢,赵博生*. 东亚三角涡虫胰蛋白酶Djtry的表达和酶活分析,遗传,2012, 34(5):609-614
25. 吴素格,杨武,周鲁明,赵博生*. P53同系物Djp53在涡虫胚基早期发育阶段的组织特异性表达及其在再生中的作用,中国生物化学与分子生物学报,2011,27(6):561-567
26. 聂敏,赵博生*. 东亚三角涡虫RhoA基因的原核表达及组织定位,中国细胞生物学学报,2011, 33(7):784-788
27. 袁佐清,赵博生*. 东亚三角涡虫DjPreb基因干扰载体的构建及干扰效果鉴定,生物技术通报,2011, 9:120-124 (责任作者)
28. 刘斌,赵博生*. 东亚三角涡虫PSA蛋白的表达、鉴定及抑菌分析,生物技术通报,2011,6: 134-139 (责任作者)
29. 杜晓琪,赵博生*. 青岛文昌鱼S-腺苷高半胱氨酸水解酶基因的组织特异性表达,四川动物,2011,30(3):344-347 (责任作者)
30. 王源,赵博生*. 青岛文昌鱼S-腺苷高半胱氨酸水解酶基因表达载体的构建及表达纯化,四川动物,2009,28(1):11-14 (责任作者)
31. 曲晓娟,王源,耿文君,赵博生*. 东亚三角涡虫cDNA文库的构建及EST初步分析,四川动物,2008,27(2):205-209 (责任作者)
32. 肖勤、张士璀、赵博生*,壬基酚对成体玫瑰无须鲃性腺的毒性效应,环境科学,2007,28(11):2580-2585 (责任作者)
张士璀、刘振辉、李国荣、王长法、赵博生,模式动物文昌鱼的个体发育和系统发育,山东省自然科学奖一等奖 (2007年)。

1. 鱼类抗感染免疫的分子与细胞基础及其调控(2006CB101805)子课题,国家973,2007-2011, 主持
2. 文昌鱼假定基因的功能预测与验证(2008AA09Z411),国家863,2008-2010, 第三位
3. Dj14-3-3ε基因在涡虫神经再生中的功能研究 (ZR2009DM029),山东省自然基金,2009-2012, 主持
4. 文昌鱼下丘脑-腺垂体-甲状腺调控轴相关基因的克隆、表达和进化分析 (208077),教育部重点研究项目,2008-2010, 主持
5. 文昌鱼酚氧化酶的进化与功能研究 (30700071),国家自然基金,2008-2010,第二位
6. 涡虫补体C3的进化和功能及其激活途径的研究(31172074),国家自然基金,2012-2015,第二位
7. 全氟辛烷磺酸对涡虫神经再生毒性及其机理研究(31100377),国家自然基金,2012-2014,第二位

